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Search: AI chatbots

Dot AI – Your New Digital Companion

Unlike traditional AI chatbots such as ChatGPT, Copilot, and Gemini, which focus primarily on task-oriented assistance, Dot AI is designed to be a friend, companion, and confidant. Developed by New Computer, a startup founded by ex-Apple designer Jason Yuan and engineer Sam Whitmore. Dot AI offers a unique experience by mimicking human speech and…

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Apple Own AI Chips

Apple Own AI Chips New Waves in 2024

Apple developing its own AI chips specifically designed for data centres. According to a recent report from The Wall Street Journal, this initiative, dubbed 'Project ACDC', signifies a significant shift as Apple first aims to integrate these chips within its own server infrastructure.  This development reflects Apple's focus on advancing AI technology. Also, they are trying…

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Multimodal AI Power of Integrated Data

Multimodal AI Power of Integrated Data: The Unknown Secrets

OpenAI's release of ChatGPT marked a monumental shift in the artificial intelligence landscape, capturing global attention with its advanced generative capabilities. This milestone represented a significant advancement in AI, predominantly driven by Large Language Models focused on text processing. Multimodal AI transcends the traditional boundaries set by unimodal systems, which rely solely on…

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ReALM Surpasses GPT-4 In a Ideal Ai World

Apple has reached a new Milestone with its latest language model, ReALM, which claims to surpass the capabilities of OpenAI's GPT-4 in the intricate task of reference resolution. This advancement is a technical victory and a potential paradigm shift in how humans interact with technology. Reference resolution, the ability to understand to whom or what…

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Apple’s New AI Partnerships for an Ideal 2024

iOS 18, the tech giant, is reportedly navigating through a series of strategic discussions with some of the most influential names in artificial intelligence, including Google, OpenAI, and Anthropic. These talks, aimed at integrating generative AI capabilities directly into iOS, mark a significant pivot in Apple's approach to artificial intelligence, blending its renowned hardware prowess…

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